§ 16-2-15.1 Pawtucket school committee Abandonment, closing, reopening, or acquisition of school buildings Public hearings. The school committee of the city of Pawtucket, whenever it shall deem itnecessary to abandon or close an existing school building for a period of morethan six (6) months or acquire or reopen a new school building, by either thepurchase or lease of real property, shall conduct a public hearing within thecity of Pawtucket for the purpose of addressing the issues of the desirabilityand necessity for the abandonment, closing, reopening, or acquisition, thereassignment of displaced students to other public education facilities, andthe transportation of the displaced students. Any hearing shall be held on adate no more than six (6) months nor less than forty-five (45) days before thedate of any abandonment, closing, reopening, or acquisition. The schoolcommittee shall give notice of the public hearing specifying the time and placeof the hearing by publication of the notice in a newspaper of generalcirculation within the city of Pawtucket at least two (2) weeks and not morethan four (4) weeks prior to the date of the hearing. At the hearing,opportunity shall be given residents of the city interested to be heard uponthe proposed abandonment, closing, reopening, or acquisition and other relatedmatters, including the reasonable opportunity to submit written or oralquestions to the school committee.