§ 16-2-5.1 Professional development. (a) The Rhode Island College in cooperation with the Rhode Island associationof school committees shall develop a professional development educationalprogram for Rhode Island school committees, that will include instruction inlabor and labor relations, negotiating collective bargaining agreements,employee contract analysis, school finance, school law; duties andresponsibilities of the committee, duties and responsibilities of thesuperintendent, ethics, the requirements of the open meetings law, studentachievement, strategic planning, educational standards, student assessment,school accountability, data interpretation and analysis, collaborationbuilding, advocacy, annual performance evaluation of the school superintendentand the local school committee, and any other topics as the Rhode Islandassociation of school committees may deem to be necessary.
(b) In conformity with § 16-60-4(15), the board ofregents for elementary and secondary education shall approve the professionaldevelopment program and create a process for recognizing school committeemembers that successfully complete the program in part or in whole.