§ 16-2-9.3 The advisory council on schoolfinances. (a) The legislature hereby finds and declares that there is a need for anadvisory council on school finances to strengthen the fiscal accountability ofschool districts, regional school districts, state schools and charter schoolsin Rhode Island. The council shall be composed of five (5) members as follows:
(1) The auditor general of the state of Rhode Island or hisor her designee;
(2) The executive director of the Rhode Island association ofschool committees or his or her designee;
(3) The president of the Rhode Island association of schoolbusiness officials or his or her designee;
(4) The commissioner of elementary and secondary education orhis or her designee; and
(5) The director of the department of administration or hisor her designee. The auditor general or his or her designee shall serve aschair of the council. By July 1, 2005, the council shall developrecommendations for a uniform system of accounting, including a chart ofaccounts for all school districts, regional school districts, state schools andcharter schools. By July 1, 2009 the council shall develop recommendations fora uniform system of accounting for all educational regional collaborativesidentified in § 16-3.1. Said recommendations shall be advisory in natureand may be adopted by the office of auditor general and the department ofelementary and secondary education in part or in whole.
(b) The council shall meet no less than annually andrecommend changes in accounting procedures to be adopted by school districts,regional school districts, state schools and charter schools as well as appriseschool business officials, charter school officials, school committees andschool superintendents, school administrators and state school officials aboutprofessional development opportunities that promotes sound fiscal practices anda knowledge of current state and federal rules and regulations regarding schoolfinance. The council shall also report, annually, its activities andrecommendations to the house committee on education accountability, the senatecommittee on education and the office of the governor.