§ 16-20-1 School holidays enumerated. The first day of January (as New Year's Day), the third Monday of January (asMartin Luther King, Jr. Day), the twenty-second day of February (asWashington's Birthday), the thirtieth day of May (as Memorial Day), the fourthday of July (as Independence Day), the twelfth day of October (as ColumbusDay), the eleventh day of November (as Veterans Day), the twenty-fifth day ofDecember (as Christmas Day), and each of these days in every year, or when anyof the days falls on a Sunday, then the day following it, the first Monday ofSeptember (as Labor Day), and any other days that the governor or generalassembly of this state or the president or the congress of the United Statesshall appoint as holidays for any purpose, days of thanksgiving, or days ofsolemn fast, shall be school holidays and no session of any school, except asprovided in this section, in this state shall be held on any one of these days.Independent schools shall not be required to observe as a holiday the thirdMonday of January (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day).