§ 16-21.3-1 Declaration of purpose. In recognition of the growing problem of substance use and abuse among youthand that the average age of onset of substance use and abuse is middle schoolage, the purpose of this chapter is as follows:
(1) To establish a student assistance program in every publicjunior high/middle school based upon the model currently operating successfullyin Rhode Island high schools.
(2) The student assistance program will address the followingareas:
(i) Identification and supportive services for high riskyouth;
(ii) Primary prevention programming in junior high/middleschools;
(iii) Assessment and referral services for substance abuseproblems;
(iv) School staff training on integration ofprevention/intervention program;
(v) Parent and community programming for substance abuseprevention;
(vi) Focused prevention/support groups for high risk youth;
(vii) Development and integration of school substance abusepolicy with prevention/intervention services;
(viii) To promote integration between student assistanceprograms and community substance abuse prevention task forces.
(3) To establish a pilot student assistance program in publicelementary schools to the extent that funds are available from the juniorhigh/middle school student assistance fund for that purpose.
(4) To establish a student assistance program in every publichigh school to the extent that funds are available.