§ 16-21-28.1 Legislative findings. (a) Approximately one in five hundred (500) school children have diabetes.Individuals with diabetes need to manage their diabetes carefully to keep theirblood glucose levels within target range.
(b) High blood glucose levels contribute to medicalcomplications, such as blindness, kidney failure, amputations andcardiovascular disease, while severely low blood glucose levels can lead tounconsciousness or seizures with a potential for brain damage or death.
(c) While episodes of unconsciousness or seizures areuncommon, schools should be prepared to promptly respond to such emergenciesdue to the urgency of the situation, and the inability of the student to drinkor ingest food that might restore their blood sugar level.
(d) Across the country, schools are increasingly moreprepared and trained for medical emergencies using defibrillators and givinginjections to counter allergic reactions.
(e) The American academy of pediatrics September 2003 policyguidelines on administration of medication in school states: "Some medications,such as epinephrine injections for severe allergic reactions or glucagons forhypoglycemia (low blood sugar), have few significant adverse effects. Becausethese episodes, by nature, occur at unpredictable times when a school nurse maynot be available, trained designated school staffs should be available."
(f) The Rhode Island chapter of the American academy ofpediatrics states (November 20, 2005) that: "While quite rare, such episodes(of hypoglycemic unconsciousness or seizure) run the risk of serious long-termcomplications, and potentially death, if there is a delay in appropriatetreatment."