§ 16-21-28.2 Requirements for glucagonadministration in a school setting. (a) The department of elementary and secondary education and the department ofhealth shall incorporate into their policies, rules and regulations foraddressing incidents of hypoglycemia resulting in unconsciousness, seizureand/or the inability to swallow in order to provide for the health and safetyof children who have been medically identified as having diabetes. Thepolicies, rules and regulations shall include procedures whereby:
(1) A parent or legal guardian of any child may expresslyauthorize school employees or those employed on behalf of the school, for whenthere is no school nurse immediately available, to administer glucagon on suchchild in case of an emergency, while at school or school-sponsored activities;
(2) The glucagon shall be kept in a conspicuous place,readily available; and
(3) Glucagon administration training may be provided by alicensed physician, physician assistant, advanced practiced registered nurse,or registered nurse, however in no case shall school nurse teachers be requiredto provide training; and the school administration shall allow staff tovoluntarily assist with the emergency administration of glucagon whenauthorized by a parent or legal guardian.
(b) A school employee, including administrative staff, shallnot be subject to penalty or disciplinary action for refusing to be trained inglucagon administration.
(c) A parent or legal guardian shall provide a diabetesmanagement plan or physician's order, signed by the student's health careprovider, that prescribes the care and assistance needed by the studentincluding glucagon administration.