§ 16-21-32 Peanut/tree nut allergies. (a) The governing body of each elementary, middle or junior high schoolapproved for the purpose of §§ 16-19-1 and 16-19-2, shall develop apolicy designed to provide a safe environment for students with peanut/tree nutallergies. When a school is aware that an enrolled student has a peanut/treenut allergy with potentially serious health consequences, the school shallimplement a protocol, consistent with the governing body's policy, thatprovides the student with protections while he or she is attending school orparticipating in school-sponsored activities. The governing body's policy shallinclude the development of an individual health care plan (IHCP) and anemergency health care plan (EHCP) for each student with such food allergy. Thestudent's IHCP and EHCP shall be developed collaboratively and be signed by theschool nurse, the student's health care provider, the parents/guardians of thestudent, and the student (if appropriate). Depending upon the nature and extentof the student's peanut/tree nut allergy, the measures listed in the IHCP mayinclude the posting of signs at school, the prohibition of the sale ofparticular food items in the school, the designation of special tables in thecafeteria, the prohibition of particular food items in certain classrooms, andthe complete prohibition of particular food items from a school or schoolgrounds.
(b) The department of elementary and secondary education andthe department of health shall amend their rules and regulations for schoolhealth programs to establish standards for the care of students withpeanut/tree nut allergies.