§ 16-22-21 Community service learning. (a) The legislature recognizes the importance of community service learning asa means of enhancing life in the community and as a way of enlightening youngpeople about the needs of others. Whenever young people are led throughteaching and example, the likelihood of their becoming productive citizens insociety is increased a thousandfold.
(b) The department of elementary and secondary educationshall encourage the establishment of community service learning programs inlocal school districts by developing a model program and appropriate guidelinesfor implementation of the model program. Any local school district may petitionthe commissioner of education for approval of its community service learningprogram, which may be used in partial fulfillment of the requirement forobtaining a high school diploma. The commissioner shall develop criteria thatlocal school districts may use as a means of determining and recognizingcommunity service learning activities for credit towards a high school diploma.Local school districts that elect to establish community service learningprograms pursuant to this section shall submit community service learningprogram plans for approval by the commissioner every five (5) years.