§ 16-24.1-3 Legislative purpose andpolicy. It shall be the goal and purpose of this act to promote the early diagnosis ofASD and therapeutic strategies for treatment and assistance to individuals withautism. The state of Rhode Island must take the lead in combating theincreasingly rapid problems associated with "ASD" and the current treatmentsand strategies. It is the intent of the legislature in enacting this chapter toreinforce screening for children who are uninsured and/or underinsured throughthe Rhode Island department of health with assistance from experts, serviceproviders and parents. It is the further intent of the general assembly,subject to appropriation and/or the receipt of other resources designated forthese purposes, to authorize the Rhode Island department of health to provideappropriate testing and screening models to determine a proper diagnosis of"ASD" and to create a case management system to properly catalogue suchdiagnosis. In addition, subject to appropriation and/or the receipt of otherresources designated for these purposes, this chapter shall authorize programsof outreach, education, increased awareness and cultural competence to thestatewide community.