§ 16-29-1 Establishment of free eveningschools. One or more public evening schools, in which attendance shall be free forpersons resident in the city or town in which the school shall be located, andin which the speaking, reading, and writing of the English language shall betaught for two (2) hours on each of at least one hundred (100) nights betweenthe first of September and the first of June in each year, shall be establishedand maintained by the school committee of every city or town in which twenty(20) or more persons more than sixteen (16) and less than twenty-one (21) yearsof age, who cannot speak, read, and write the English language, are resident;provided, that the school committee of two (2) adjoining cities or towns mayunite for the purpose of establishing and maintaining jointly, at someconvenient place, an evening school for persons resident in these cities ortowns.