§ 16-3-7 Recommendations as toestablishment of regional district. – The regional district planning board may recommend that there shall beestablished a regional school district which may include all the cities ortowns represented by its membership, or alternatively, any specifiedcombination of the cities or towns. If the regional district planning board sorecommends, it shall submit a proposed agreement or agreements setting forth asto each alternative recommendation, if such be made, the following:
(1) The number, composition, method of selection, and termsof office of the members of the regional district school committee.
(2) The cities or towns in which the regional district schoolor schools are to be located.
(3) The type of regional district school or schools and thetype of services to be undertaken by the regional school district.
(4) The method of apportioning the expenses of the regionalschool district, and the method of apportioning the costs of schoolconstruction, including any interest and retirement of principal of any bondsor other obligations issued by the district among the several cities or townscomprising the district, and the time and manner of payment of the shares ofthe several cities or towns of the expenses.
(5) The method by which school transportation shall beprovided, and if transportation is to be furnished by the district, the mannerin which the expenses shall be borne by the several cities or towns.
(6) The terms by which any city or town may be admitted to orseparated from the regional school district.
(7) The method by which the agreement may be amended.
(8) The detailed procedure for the preparation and adoptionof an annual budget.
(9) Any other matters, not incompatible with law, which theboard may deem advisable.