§ 16-40-16 Student records. (a) In the event that a private school shall close, provision must be made forcontinued access to student academic and attendance records. Records ofelementary school students shall be sent to the receiving school, except thatrecords of elementary and secondary parochial schools shall be sent to thecatholic school office.
(b) When a private secondary school closes, the school shallobtain the approval of the commissioner of elementary and secondary educationas to the disposition of the attendance and academic records of the students.
(c) Within thirty (30) days of the closing of a privatepostsecondary school, the person having care, custody and control of therecords shall obtain the approval of the commissioner of higher education as tothe disposition of student records.
(d) The department of elementary and secondary education andthe office of higher education may promulgate regulations for the custody anddisposition of student records of private schools that cease operation.