§ 16-40-8 Penalty for violations. Any academy, college, university, or institution of education or any personbeing an officer or agent of any academy, college, university, or institutionof education incorporated under the laws of this state or transacting businesswithin this state, who shall as an officer or agent, by vote or in any manneror capacity admit or participate in admitting any scholar or student, or anyperson in recognition of attainment or achievement, to any grade of a degree byconferring or participating in conferring a degree upon the scholar or studentor person contrary to the provisions of this chapter, or contrary to theregulations or standards for approval adopted by the board of regents forelementary and secondary education or the board of governors for highereducation to implement this chapter, or who shall sign any certificate ordiploma as evidence of the conferring of the degree, shall be liable to apenalty of three hundred dollars ($300) for each offense to be sued for andrecovered by and in the name of the department of elementary and secondaryeducation or the office of higher education but to the use of the state.