§ 16-42-1 Establishment of program forgifted and talented children. (a) In any city or town where there is a child eligible to attend elementary orsecondary schools who is either gifted or talented to an extent that a standardeducational program would not foster potential development, the schoolcommittee of the city or town may provide the type of educational program thatwill satisfy the needs of the gifted or talented child in gradespre-kindergarten through twelve (12), the program to be approved by thecommissioner of elementary and secondary education.
(b) Providing programs and services for gifted and talentedelementary or secondary level students:
(1) Requires an educational program and/or service which isdifferent from that normally provided in the standard school program and whichis educationally, personally, and socially beneficial; and
(2) Requires that programs developed serve students whodemonstrate unique talents and/or superior capabilities in areas such asspecific academic aptitude, creative thinking, intelligence, visual, performingand industrial arts, and leadership.