§ 16-42-3 State advisory committee. (a) A state advisory committee shall be established by the department ofelementary and secondary education. The committee shall be comprised of notless than fifteen (15) members: one of whom shall be the chairperson of thehouse finance committee or designee; one of whom shall be the chairperson ofthe senate finance committee or designee; one of whom shall be representativeof the Rhode Island association of school superintendents; two (2) of whomshall be representatives of the Rhode Island association of school principals;two (2) of whom shall be school teachers; one of whom shall be representativeof the state council on the arts; one of whom shall be a representative of agifted project; two (2) of whom shall be educator representatives of highereducation; one of whom shall be representative of the Rhode Island associationof school committees; two (2) of whom shall be representatives of the publicwho shall be parents; and one of whom shall be representative ofbusiness/industry.
(b) In appointing members to the state advisory committee,the commissioner of elementary and secondary education shall ensure equalaccess and opportunity for participation to all interested parties. Members ofthe state advisory committee shall serve without compensation and shall meet aminimum of four (4) times a year. The advisory committee shall advise thecommissioner of elementary and secondary education on all matters pertaining tothe education of gifted and talented students.