§ 16-50-4 Publicizing of instruction. No person shall:
(1) Make or cause to be made any statement or representation,oral, written, or visual, in connection with the offering or publicizing of acourse, if the person knows or reasonably should have known the statement orrepresentation to be false, deceptive, substantially inaccurate, or misleading.
(2) Promise or guarantee employment utilizing information,training, or skill purported to be provided or enhanced by a course, unless thepromisor or guarantor offers the student or prospective student a bona fidecontract of employment agreeing to employ the student or prospective studentfor a period of not less than ninety (90) days in a business or otherenterprise regularly conducted by him or her and in which the information,training, or skill is a normal condition of employment.
(3) Do any act constituting part of the conduct oradministration of a course, or the obtaining of students for the course, if theperson knows or reasonably should know that any phase or incident of theconduct or administration of the course is being carried on by the use offraud, deception, or other misrepresentation, or by any person solicitingstudents without a permit.