§ 16-53-3 Functions and responsibilities. The council shall:
(1) Meet with the board of regents for elementary andsecondary education or its representatives during the planning year to adviseon the development of the state plan;
(2) Advise the board of regents and make reports to thegovernor, the business community, and general public of the state, concerning:
(i) Policies the state should pursue to strengthen vocationaleducation (with particular attention to programs for individuals withdisabilities); and
(ii) Initiatives and methods the private sector couldundertake to assist in the modernization of vocational education programs.
(3) Analyze and report on the distribution of spending forvocational education in the state and on the availability of vocationaleducation activities and services within the state;
(4) Furnish consultation to the board of regents on theestablishment of evaluation criteria for vocational education programs withinthe state;
(5) Submit recommendations to the board of regents on theconduct of vocational education programs conducted in the state which emphasizethe use of business concerns and labor organizations;
(6) Assess the distribution of financial assistance furnishedunder this chapter, particularly with the analysis of the distribution offinancial assistance between secondary vocational education programs andpostsecondary vocational education programs; (7) Recommend procedures to theboard of regents to ensure and enhance the participation of the public in theprovision of vocational education at the local level within the state,particularly the participation of local employers and local labor organizations;
(8) Report to the board of regents on the extent to which theindividuals described in former § 201(b) of United States Public Law98-524, 20 U.S.C. § 2331(b), are provided with equal access to qualityvocational education programs;
(9) Evaluate at least once every two (2) years the vocationaleducation program delivery systems assisted under this chapter, and under theJob Training Partnership Act, 29 U.S.C. § 1501 et seq., in terms of theiradequacy and effectiveness in achieving the purposes of each of the two (2)acts, and make recommendations to the state board on the adequacy andeffectiveness of the coordination that takes place between vocational educationand the Job Training Partnership Act; and
(ii) Advise the governor, the board of regents, the state jobtraining coordinating council, the United States secretary of education, andthe United States secretary of labor of these findings and recommendations; and
(10) Comply with all federal statutes, requirements,regulations, and guidelines, and in particular United States Public Law 98-524and any amendments to it.