§ 16-55-1 Educational benefits for personsover sixty. Any person who is a permanent resident of this state and who submits proofsufficient to establish his age of sixty (60) years or older and whosehousehold income is less than three (3) times the federal poverty level asestablished by the U.S. department of health and human services shall beentitled to take courses at any public institution of higher education in thestate without the payment of tuition, exclusive of other fees and charges;provided, that any person eligible for financial aid, as determined by theinstitution of higher education, shall apply for the financial aid. Anyfinancial aid award received by the applicant shall be applied toward the fullamount of tuition that would have been charged by the public institution ofhigher education. Admission into particular courses will be granted upon aspace available basis and shall be at the discretion of the particularinstitutions to which application is made.