§ 16-61-6 Powers and duties of authority. (a) The authority shall be empowered to:
(1) Adopt and amend and repeal suitable bylaws for themanagement of its affairs;
(2) Adopt and use the official seal and alter it at itspleasure;
(3) Maintain an office at any place or places within thestate that it may designate;
(4) Establish, own, and operate noncommercial educationaltelevision or radio broadcasting stations, one or more public broadcasting andpublic broadcasting telecommunications networks or systems, and interconnectionand program production facilities;
(5) Apply for, receive, and hold any authorizations andlicenses and assignments and reassignments of channels from the federalcommunications commission (FCC) as may be necessary to conduct its operations;and prepare and file and prosecute before the FCC all applications, reports, orother documents or requests for authorization of any type necessary orappropriate to achieve the authorized purposes of the authority;
(6) Provide coordination and information on matters relatingto public broadcasting telecommunications among the agencies of the stategovernment, all facets of Rhode Island public education and individualassociations, and institutions working in these fields both within and withoutthe state;
(7) Establish state wide equipment compatibility policies anddetermine the method of interconnection to be employed within the state'spublic broadcasting system;
(8) Assume responsibility for establishing broad programmingphilosophy which will encourage diversity, quality, and excellence ofprogramming which is released via its facilities. The general manager shall beresponsible for implementing programming policy in accordance with the rulesand regulations of the federal communications commission;
(9) Provide appropriate advisory assistance to other agenciesof the state and local and regional groups regarding public broadcastingtechniques, planning, budgeting, and related issues;
(10) Make to the governor and the legislature anyrecommendations that the authority deems necessary with regard toappropriations relating to public broadcasting and public broadcastingtelecommunications equipment and facilities;
(11) Subject to the approval of the governor, receive andadminister gifts, contributions, and funds from public and private sources tobe expended for public broadcasting and public broadcasting telecommunicationsoperations, facilities, and programming consistent with furthering the purposesof the authority;
(12) Cooperate with federal agencies for the purpose ofobtaining matching and other federal funds and providing public broadcastingand public broadcasting telecommunications facilities throughout the state andto make any reports that may be required of the state. The authority shallprovide appropriate advisory assistance to local school districts and others onthese matters;
(13) Contract with program production organizations,individuals, and noncommercial educational television and radio stations withinand without the state to produce or to procure educational television or radioprograms for use by noncommercial stations within the state;
(14) Establish and maintain a library and archives ofeducational television and radio programs and related materials, disseminateinformation about those programs and make suitable arrangements for the use ofthe programs and materials by colleges, universities, schools, andnoncommercial television and radio stations;
(15) Conduct explorations, research, demonstrations, ortraining in matters related to public broadcasting and public broadcastingtelecommunications in the state, directly or through contracts with appropriateagencies, organizations, or individuals, or by grants to nonprofit,noncommercial organizations such as colleges, universities, schools, andnoncommercial television and radio stations;
(16) Acquire, subject to the provisions of the general laws,through lease, purchase, or other means, real and other property and to holdand use this property for public broadcasting and public broadcastingtelecommunications purposes;
(17) Contract, subject to the provisions of the general laws,for the construction, repair, maintenance, and operations of publicbroadcasting and public broadcasting telecommunications facilities includingprogram production center, stations, and interconnection facilities;
(18) Make arrangements, where appropriate, with companies orother agencies and institutions operating suitable interconnection facilities(e.g., landlines or satellites);
(19) Be empowered to set and collect reasonable fees forservices provided through contracts with agencies, companies, organizations,and individuals;
(20) Make reasonable rules and regulations to carry out theprovisions of this chapter.
(21) Manage and operate public, education and government(PEG) access studios in compliance with rules promulgated by the division ofpublic utilities and carriers.
(22) To conduct a training course for newly appointed andqualified members within six (6) months of their qualification or designation.The course shall be developed by the chair of the authority, approved by theauthority, and conducted by the chair of the authority. The authority mayapprove the use of any authority or staff members or other individuals toassist with training. The training course shall include instruction in thefollowing areas: the provisions of chapters 42-46, 36-14, and 38-2; and thecommittee's rules and regulations. The director of the department ofadministration shall, within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this act[March 29, 2006], prepare and disseminate training materials relatingto the provisions of chapters 42-46, 36-14, and 38-2.
(b) In carrying out its powers and duties under this section,the authority shall be empowered to enter into contracts or agreements with anynonprofit entity for the operations in whole or in part of the publictelecommunications functions assigned to it by this chapter.