§ 16-63-10 Community education. (a) Adult education programs and services, to the extent feasible, shall bedesigned and implemented in accordance with a local control model, commonlyknown as "community education," as set forth in the former federal CommunitySchools and Comprehensive Community Education Act, title VIII of the Elementaryand Secondary Education Act, formerly codified at 20 U.S.C. § 3281 etseq., and any amendments to it, extensions of it, or successor legislation.
(b) There shall be citizen participation in determining needsand interests and in planning, organizing, overseeing, and evaluating adulteducation programs and services. This participation shall be effected throughadvisory councils which shall be established to serve particular cities andtowns, or combinations of these, or service districts pursuant to theprovisions of this chapter.
(c) Local education authorities shall be involved directlyand substantially, but not necessarily solely or primarily, in theadministration and operation of local or area adult education programs andservices. Adult education activities shall be conducted in coordination withother human services at the state, area, and community levels. There shall bemaximum utilization of all appropriate public buildings, facilities, andresources.