§ 16-63-2 Legislative findings and policy. (a) The general assembly, in accordance with the constitution of the state,R.I. Const., Art. XII, § 1, which obligates the state "to secure to thepeople the advantages and opportunities of education," and also pursuant toR.I. Const., Art. XII, § 4, which requires it to "make all necessaryprovisions by law for carrying this article into effect," finds:
(1) That all citizens, regardless of age, have the right toeducation;
(2) That education is a lifelong pursuit;
(3) That basic education and general personal development arenecessary to enjoy a wholesome life; and
(4) That vocational training is useful in acquiring amarketable skill and achieving economic self-sufficiency.
(b) The general assembly declares:
(1) That the public laws shall address the education needs ofadults and young people;
(2) That an integrated and coordinated adult educationdelivery system shall be provided and maintained on a statewide basis; and
(3) That public funds shall be appropriated to support thatdelivery system and fulfill the constitutional mandate.
(c) All adult education programs and services provided by anydepartment or agency of the state of Rhode Island or local government, orfunded in whole or in part by state funds, shall be offered in the leastrestrictive environment, be designed to enhance the quality of life for adultlearners, and be consistent with and inclusive of the following values thatreflect the preferences and needs of adult learners;
(1) Adult learners shall be treated with dignity and respect;
(2) Adult learners shall be included in policy developmentaffecting adult education;
(3) Adult learners shall be offered services that arecost-effective and meet the learners' needs;
(4) Adult learners shall have access to testing, evaluationand requisite accommodation for learning and/or other disabilities;
(5) Adult learners shall be fully informed about theeducational choices available to them;
(6) Adult learners shall participate in decisions about theireducational process, including information exchange and goal setting;
(7) Adult learners shall be provided with educationalprogramming commensurate with their abilities, including but not limited tobasic skills, vocational education, and/or secondary education or itsrecognized equivalent;
(8) Adult learners shall receive consistent, sustainedquality in their education.