§ 16-63-8 State plan for adult education. The department shall develop a state plan for adult education, which shall be adocument containing: (1) current needs assessment data, (2) statements of thepolicies, procedures, regulations, and program activities contemplated forcarrying out the intent of this chapter, and (3) prevailing or anticipatedbudgetary and fiscal conditions applicable to it. The state plan also shallcontain all the elements prescribed by the federal Adult Education Act, 20U.S.C. § 1201 et seq., the federal Vocational Education Act, 20 U.S.C.§ 2301 et seq., and other applicable federal laws, and any amendments toit, extensions of it, or successor legislation. The state plan shall be renewedevery three (3) years, and may be amended or updated annually. The plan and anyrenewals, amendments, or updates of it shall be subject to approval by thecommission, commissioner, and the board.