§ 16-67-2 The literacy program. Activities under this section shall include strategies to improve theperformance of students in mathematics, reading and writing. Such activitiesmust be founded on a scientific research base, as described in the No ChildLeft Behind Act of 2001, title I, part B, § 1208 (20 U.S.C. § 6368).Reading instruction to improve the reading skills of all students in the earlygrades (specifically kindergarten (K) through to and including grade five (5))shall be consistent with the board of regents reading policy. This legislationrequires that the following five (5) activities, which comprise the literacyprogram, be conducted:
(1) Screening for all children first entering school. Allschool districts that provide elementary education are required to screen allchildren prior to, or upon, their first entry to school to determine theirlevel of educational readiness. All children are required to participate inthis screening. Screening shall address the child's educational development andshall be used to determine whether he or she is educationally disadvantaged interms of readiness for instruction in the literacy skills of reading, writing,speaking, listening, or mathematics.
(2) Literacy focus in instruction in kindergarten throughgrade three (3) for all students. All school districts that provide elementaryeducation shall focus their kindergarten through grade three (3) instructionfor all students on literacy: reading, writing, speaking, listening, andmathematics. All instruction shall be geared to helping students achieve theoutcomes in literacy which have been specified by the commissioner ofelementary and secondary education. School districts are encouraged to considerreducing class size to no more than fifteen (15) students as one means toachieving these outcomes. School districts will be held accountable for studentachievement of the literacy outcomes.
(3) Supplementary literacy instruction for educationallydisadvantaged students in grades Kindergarten through twelve (12).
(ii) Supplementary literacy (reading, writing, speaking,listening, and mathematics) instruction may be required for educationallydisadvantaged students. The commissioner of elementary and secondary educationshall stipulate for each school district the specific cutoff points and thegrades for required service each year. Services must be provided first tostudents who are most educationally disadvantaged. Services shall focus oninstruction in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics. Programemphasis shall be as follows:
(A) Intensive development in literacy. Kindergarten throughgrade three (3).
(B) Early intervention in literacy. Grades four (4) throughsix (6).
(C) Remediation in literacy. Grades seven (7) through eight(8).
(D) Intensive remediation in literacy. Grades nine (9)through twelve (12).
(iii) School districts will be held accountable for studentachievement of the literacy outcomes.
(4) Dropout prevention programs. Programs shall address theacademic, social, or personal needs of potential dropouts. Projects shall beselected at the discretion of the commissioner of elementary and secondaryeducation.
(5) State level program support. Activities shall provide fornecessary planning and administrative functions and for a broadlyrepresentative advisory council.