§ 16-67-3 Coordination with programs forspecial populations. It is required that programs serving special population students be coordinatedwith the requirements of this chapter. All these programs shall focus onliteracy objectives to the extent appropriate for each special population. Allcoordinating efforts shall not absolve participating school districts frommeeting all requirements of state and/or federal laws, regulations, andmandates. In particular, programs for supplementary literacy instruction foreducationally disadvantaged students in kindergarten through grade twelve (12)shall meet the following criteria which shall be included in a plan submittedannually and reviewed and approved by the department of elementary andsecondary education:
(1) Services shall be based on an annual assessment of need;
(2) Programs shall have performance objectives evaluatedannually;
(3) Programs must provide supplementary services;
(4) Programs must be monitored by the department ofelementary and secondary education; and
(5) School districts must keep records on the above andafford access to the records by the department of elementary and secondaryeducation.