§ 16-7.1-11 Early childhood investmentfund. The general assembly establishes the Early Childhood Student Investment Fund toprovide schools and teaching staff for the early grades with resources to beginimproving student performance and to provide early care and pre-kindergartenprograms. The general assembly shall annually appropriate some sum anddistribute it based on each district's proportion of their average dailymembership for grades kindergarten through and including third grade in thereference year as defined in § 16-7-16 relative to the statewide averagedaily membership for the same grades in the same fiscal year. For purposes ofthis section, average daily membership for grades kindergarten through andincluding third grade is determined in § 16-7-22. These resources shall beused to close student performance gaps in accordance with the district'sstrategic plan pursuant to § 16-7.1-2. These early childhood investmentfunds shall be used in coordination with the literacy set-aside funds, chapter67 of this title. In addition, these funds may be used for early childhoodpilot programs, including Child Opportunity Zones (COZs), that; (1) combineand/or leverage some or all of the following state, federal and/or local fundsinsofar as allowable: student equity investment fund; literacy set-aside;special education funds; Title I funds; and any other appropriate funds; (2)that focus on beginning to improve student performance through developmentallyappropriate early childhood education and integrated social and health servicesupport. Funding emphasis for early childhood programs shall be given by thedistricts to the schools serving concentrations of at-risk students and shallbe integrated with programs for special needs students; all day kindergartenprograms may be funded; and school links shall be made with programs andstudents to facilitate full assessment of students' school readiness and needsprior to entry into first grade and to help receiving schools meet the enteringchild's needs. Programs shall include the development and expansion of childcare providers, the development of innovative start-up arrangements linked tosmall businesses, the development of programs and providers in geographicallyunderserved areas, the establishment of before and after school programs withpriority to be given to programs linked to schools, to infant oddlerprograms, programs related to child opportunity zone family centers, andprograms that serve children with special health needs or developmental risks.A district may not fund any program that does not meet standards as establishedby the board of regents. Districts may contract for services with programswhich meet board of regents standards. Any program that receives funds underthis section must keep records on the children's attendance and progress sothat data will be available to conduct longitudinal studies.