§ 16-7-16 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in §§ 16-7-15 to 16-7-34 havethe following meanings:
(1) "Adjusted equalized weighted assessed valuation" meansthe equalized weighted assessed valuation of a community as determined by thedepartment of revenue or as apportioned by the commissioner pursuant to theprovisions of § 16-7-21;
(2) "Average daily membership" means the average number ofpupils in a community during a school year as determined pursuant to theprovisions of § 16-7-22, less any students who are served in a programoperated by the state and which program is part of the operations aid formula;
(3) "Basic program" means the cost of education of residentpupils in grades twelve (12) and below in average daily membership for thereference year as determined by the mandated minimum program level plus alltransportation costs including school bus monitors;
(4) "Certified personnel" means all persons who are requiredto hold certificates issued by or under the authority of the board of regentsfor elementary and secondary education;
(5) "Community" means any city, town, or regional schooldistrict established pursuant to law and/or the department of children, youth,and families; provided, however, that the department of children, youth, andfamilies shall not have those administrative responsibilities and obligationsas set forth in chapter 2 of this title; provided, however, that the membertowns of the Chariho regional high school district, created by P.L. 1958,chapter 55 as amended, shall constitute separate and individual communities forthe purpose of determining and distributing the foundation level school supportincluding state aid for noncapital excess expenses for the special education ofchildren with disabilities provided for in § 16-24-6 for all gradesfinanced in whole or in part by the towns irrespective of any regionalizationand any school operated by the state department of elementary and secondaryeducation;
(6) "Department of children, youth, and families" means thatdepartment created pursuant to chapter 72 of title 42. For purposes of thissection, §§ 16-7-20, 16-24-2, and 42-72-5(b)(22), "children" meansthose children who are placed, assigned, or otherwise accommodated forresidence by the department of children, youth, and families in a stateoperated or supported community residence licensed by a state agency and theresidence operates an educational program approved by the department ofelementary and secondary education;
(7) "Equalized weighted assessed valuation" means theequalized weighted assessed valuation for a community as determined by thedivision of property valuation pursuant to the provisions of § 16-7-21;
(8) "Full time equivalency students" means the time spent ina particular activity divided by the amount of time in a normal school day;
(9) "Incentive entitlement" means the sum payable to a localschool district under the formula used;
(10) "Mandated minimum program level" means the amount thatshall be spent by a community for every pupil in average daily membership asdetermined pursuant to the provisions of § 16-7-18;
(11) "Reference year" means the next year prior to the schoolyear immediately preceding that in which the aid is to be paid; and
(12) "Regularly employed" and "service" as applied tocertified personnel have the same meaning as defined in chapter 16 of thistitle.