§ 16-7-20 Determination of state's share.– (a) For each community the state's share shall be computed as follows: Let
R = state share ratio for the community.
v = adjusted equalized weighted assessed valuation for thecommunity, as defined in § 16-7-21(3).
V = sum of the values of v for all communities.
m = average daily membership of pupils in the community asdefined in § 16-7-22(3).
M = total average daily membership of pupils in the state.
E = approved reimbursable expenditures for the community forthe reference year minus the excess costs of special education, tuitions,federal and state receipts, and other income.
Then the state share entitlement for the community shall beRE where
R = 1 s 0.5vM/(Vm),
Except that in no case shall R be less than zero percent(0%). This percentage shall be applied to one hundred percent (100%) of allexpenditures approved by the board of regents for elementary and secondaryeducation in accordance with currently existing rules and regulations foradministering state aid, including but not limited to the setting ofappropriate limits for expenditures eligible for reimbursement; provided,however, that the costs of special education required under chapter 24 of thistitle shall be excluded; and the costs for regional vocational school operationand tuition which are funded in chapter 45 of this title for the reference year1987-1988 and thereafter, shall be excluded. "Special education costs" mean thecosts that are in excess of the average per pupil expenditure in average dailymembership for the second school year preceding. The average per pupilexpenditure in average daily membership of those students receiving specialeducation shall be included in the cost of the basic program for the referenceyear, as "reference year" is defined in § 16-7-16. Expenditures fromfederal money in lieu of taxes shall not be counted and, provided further thatthe individual communities in the Chariho regional districts shall each receivethe seven and five hundredths percent (7.05%) for those grades serviced by theregional school district.
(b) The department of elementary and secondary educationshall base reimbursement on one hundred percent (100%) of the expenditures forits state operated schools in accordance with the reference year provision asdefined in § 16-7-16(11). Any funds to supplement the reimbursement shallbe appropriated and included in the department budget.
(c) This section shall apply to the School for the Deaf andthe Davies Vocational School notwithstanding any provisions of this section tothe contrary.
(d) Whenever any funds are appropriated for educationalpurposes, the funds shall be used for educational purposes only and all statefunds appropriated for educational purposes must be used to supplement any andall money allocated by a city or town for educational purposes and in no eventshall state funds be used to supplant, directly or indirectly, any moneyallocated by a city or town for educational purposes. The courts of this stateshall enforce this section by writ of mandamus.
(e) Notwithstanding the calculations in subsection (a), thehospital school at the Hasbro Children's Hospital shall be reimbursed onehundred percent (100%) of all expenditures approved by the board of regents forelementary and secondary education in accordance with currently existing rulesand regulations for administering state aid, and subject to annualappropriations by the general assembly including, but not limited to,expenditures for educational personnel, supplies, and materials in the priorfiscal year.