§ 16-8-2 Acceptance and administration ofthe Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act for vocational education. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations having accepted theprovisions of an act passed by the senate and house of representatives of theUnited States in congress assembled, entitled "An act to provide for thepromotion of vocational education; to provide for co-operation with the statesin the promotion of such education in agriculture and the trades andindustries; to provide for co-operation with the states in the preparation ofteachers of vocational subjects; and to appropriate money, and regulate itsexpenditure," approved February 23, 1917, designates the general treasurer ascustodian for vocational education funds as required by that act of congress.The general treasurer shall receive and provide for the proper custody of moneypaid to the state from the federal treasury under the provisions of the act ofcongress, and shall disburse the money upon orders drawn by the statecontroller upon requisitions of the department of elementary and secondaryeducation. The state board for vocational education shall have and shallexercise all the powers necessary to cooperate on behalf of the state with thefederal office of education in the administration of the provisions of the actof congress.