§ 16-8-3 Acceptance and administration ofthe Vocational Education Act of 1946. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations accepts the provisions ofan act passed by the senate and house of representatives of the United Statesin congress assembled, entitled "An act to amend the act of June 8, 1936,relating to vocational education, so as to provide for the further developmentof vocational education in the states and territories" approved August 1, 1946,and designates the general treasurer as custodian for vocational educationfunds as required by the act of congress. The general treasurer shall receiveand provide for the proper custody of money paid to the state from the generaltreasury under the provisions of the act of congress and shall disburse themoney upon orders drawn by the state controller upon requisitions of the stateboard of vocational education. The state board for vocational education shallhave and shall exercise all powers necessary to cooperate, on behalf of thestate, with the federal office of education in the administration of theprovisions of the act of congress.