§ 16-83-3 School committees Implementation of policy. Every school committee in every city or town shall initiate policy intended toimprove the educational performance of its middle schools. Said policy shallinclude the following criteria:
(a) Encourage the redesign of its middle schools. Such aredesign effort should include all of the key elements of reformed middleschools, particularly time for team planning at least three (3) times per weekand occurring during the school day.
(b) Encourage the professional development of all middleschool teachers to better prepare them to successfully deal with the challengesof educating the middle school student.
(c) Encourage after-school social and recreational programsat its middle schools to better engage and connect the middle school studentsto their school.
(d) Encourage extended day academic tutorial programs for allstudents performing below standard in English, language arts and mathematics.
(e) Encourage the training of parents and communityorganizations to better prepare them to address the numerous needs of middleschool students when they are not in school.