§ 16-9-6 Filing of description of landtaken Notice to owners Payment of agreed price. If any town has already passed or shall pass a vote to erect a schoolhouse orto enlarge a schoolhouse lot, and the school committee shall fix upon alocation for the schoolhouse in the town or shall determine that a school lotought to be enlarged, the school committee of the town shall, within six (6)months from the date of the passage of a resolution by the school committee totake any land for these purposes, file in the records of land evidence for thetown a description of the land, and also a plat of the land, and a statementthat the land is taken pursuant to the provisions of §§ 16-9-5 to16-9-8, which description and statement shall be signed by the chairperson orpresident of the school committee, and upon the filing of the description,statement, and plat, the title in fee simple of the land shall vest in thetown. After the filing of the description, statement, and plat, notice of thetaking of the land shall be served upon the owners of and persons having anestate in and interested in the land by the town sergeant of the town leaving atrue and attested copy of the description and statement with each of thepersons personally, or at their last and usual place of abode in this statewith some person living there, and, in case any persons are absent from thisstate and have no last and usual place of abode in this state occupied by anyperson, or in case the whereabouts of any persons are unknown to the townsergeant, the copy shall be left with the persons, if any, in charge of orhaving possession of the land taken of the absent person and persons whosewhereabouts are unknown, and another copy of the description and statementshall be mailed to the address of the absent persons if they are known to theofficer. After the filing of the description and statement, the town clerk ofthe town shall cause a copy of the description and statement to be published insome newspaper published in the county in which the town is located at leasttwice a week for three (3) successive weeks. If any party shall agree with theschool committee for the price of the land so taken, the agreed price shallimmediately be paid to that party by the town.