§ 17-10-14 Final list Certification. The registration, as finally corrected pursuant to this chapter, shallconstitute the voting list to be used at the election for which it has beencanvassed, and shall be certified for use pursuant to chapter 19 of this title.Only the original of the list needs to be signed by the board of canvassers,and copies of the list may be certified by a duly placed stamp on the copy. Thevoting list shall be deemed a public record; and a copy of the list shall bemade available, upon request, to any elector within the city or town uponpayment of no more than the actual cost of reproduction. Notwithstandingcertification of the results of the final canvass, persons who subsequentlybecome ineligible to vote for failure to comply with the provisions of §17-9.1-25 shall not be permitted to vote in the election unless and until theirresidency is established pursuant to that section. The names of those personsshall be placed on the inactive list.