§ 17-10-16 Challenge lists. The local board shall prepare and annex a "challenge list" to each of thesecanvassed and certified voting lists. The challenge list shall consist of thenames and addresses of all persons who are determined to be ineligible to votein the ensuing election at any time after the final list of eligible voters hasbeen certified by the local board. The challenge list shall also contain thenames and addresses of all persons who have been furnished mail ballots. Thechallenge list shall also contain the names and addresses of all persons who,after the final list of voters eligible to participate in the election havebeen certified, become ineligible to vote for failure to comply with §17-9.1-25. Provided, that the state board, by regulation, may authorize localboards to code the certified list provided to voting district wardens toindicate the ineligibility of a voter or the status of a voter as a mail ballotvoter, or the status of a voter as an inactive voter. Copies of the challengelists shall be furnished to political party workers at each polling place.