§ 17-10-5 Canvass and correction ofpreliminary lists. (a) The local board shall, before the twentieth (20th) day preceding eachelection, meet and canvass the preliminary lists and hear objections to theinclusion or omission of any person as a registered voter, and it shall at thattime make a final canvass and correction of the registration files. It shallgive notice of the time and place of the meeting, for at least ten (10) daysprevious to it, by posting notices of the meeting in the same manner asrequired by this chapter for the posting of the preliminary list, and bypublication once, at least ten (10) days previous to the meeting, in one ormore newspapers having general circulation in the city or town. At or followingthe meeting, the local board shall strike from the lists and direct thecancellation of the registration of every person who is not qualified to voteat the election for which the final canvass is made, and shall immediatelynotify the secretary of state of that action. No registration shall becancelled or a voter's right to vote be otherwise limited based upon a findingthat the voter no longer resides within the city or town unless the voter hasconfirmed either in person or in writing that the voter no longer resideswithin the city or town or the board has received written evidence that thevoter has registered to vote within another city or town or in another state.
(b) The local boards may meet and canvass the voting lists ofany senatorial district, representative district or districts, ward or wards,or voting district or districts in any senatorial or representative district,ward, or voting district, or at their office or other previously designatedplace, at any other convenient time or times, on the same day or differentdays, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter.