§ 17-11-1 Division of towns andrepresentative district into voting districts. The local board of any city or town may, on or before the sixtieth (60th) daypreceding any election, divide or redivide the town, or any representativedistrict in the city or town, into voting districts. The local board of eachcity shall determine voting districts by geographical boundaries and by noother means. No voting district shall at any time comprise parts of two (2) ormore wards. It shall be the duty of the board to divide the town,representative district, or ward, so that substantially not more than nineteenhundred (1900) voters shall be served by the same polling place; provided, thatsubject to the approval of the state board, a local board may provide forserving more than nineteen hundred (1900) voters in the same polling placewhere the effect to the contrary would be of creating a polling place servingless than one hundred fifty (150) voters. A polling place may be located eitherwithin or without the voting district for which it is established; provided,that a polling place may be located outside the district only upon unanimousdetermination of the local board and subject to the approval of the state boardthat a suitable place is not available within the voting district. In makingthe calculation required by this section, voters whose names are on theinactive list of voters shall not be included.