§ 17-11-15 Persons ineligible to serve aselection officials. No person shall be appointed or serve as an election official who has beenconvicted, found guilty, pleaded guilty or nolo contendere, or placed on adeferred or suspended sentence, or on probation, for any crime which involvesmoral turpitude or which constitutes a violation of any of the election orcaucus laws of this or any other state. No person shall be disqualified simplybecause he or she is a notary public. No candidate for any office to be filledat any election shall be appointed at the election as an election official.Every election official shall make an affidavit before some member of theproper board of canvassers, to the effect that he or she is not disqualified byreason of the provisions of this section; provided, that the provisions of thissection shall not apply to moderators and town clerks.