§ 17-11-8 Qualifications of moderators andclerks Vacancies. The moderators and clerks shall each be able to read the Constitution of thestate in the English language, and to write their names. Every person appointedas a moderator or clerk shall immediately be notified of his or her appointmentand shall, within five (5) days of his or her appointment, accept or declinethe appointment, and shall be, at least three (3) days prior to the election,sworn to the faithful discharge of his or her duties by some member of theboard making the appointment. In case any appointed person neglects to qualifyor is unable or fails to serve, the vacancy shall be filled by the board makingthe appointment, and the appointee shall be, whenever possible, of the samepolitical affiliation as the person failing to qualify, and shall, beforeserving, qualify before some member of the board.