§ 17-12.1-11 Form of ballot. (a) The order on the ballot of the presidential nominees and delegates and theuncommitted delegates shall be chosen by lot under the direction of thesecretary of state.
(b) Individuals committed to a particular presidentialcandidate or uncommitted shall appear in a manner so that the candidates fordelegates shall be readily identified with the presidential candidate to whomthey are committed or shall appear in a manner that clearly shows they areuncommitted.
(c) No person shall appear on the ballot as a candidate fordelegate more than once.
(d) There shall be nothing on the ballot to indicate orsuggest any political party endorsement.
(e) The secretary of state shall prepare and arrange theballot for use in the primaries authorized in this title, which shall include,as to the candidates for delegates, the person to whom the candidates arecommitted and any other information and instruction that the secretary of stateshall deem necessary.