§ 17-12.1-3 Declaration of candidacy Delegates. During the fifty-fifth (55th) through and including the fifty-seventh (57th)day preceding a primary for election of delegates to a national convention,each voter desiring to be a delegate at the forthcoming convention shall, onthe form that shall be provided by the secretary of state, sign his or her nameas it appears on the voting list and file, not later than four (4:00) p.m. ofthe date of filing with the secretary of state, a declaration of candidacywhich shall include the following information:
(1) His or her name and address as they appear on the votinglist, party designation, place and date of birth, and length of residence inthe state and in the town or city where he or she resides.
(2) A statement that, if elected, he or she would comply withall party rules of the national committee of the party designated insubdivision (1) of this section relating to delegates to national conventionsand conducting of national conventions.
(3) If any candidate for delegate does not thereafter wishhis or her name to appear on the ballot, the candidate shall, at leastthirty-three (33) days prior to the date for the primary, file an affidavitwith the secretary of state stating his or her name may not be placed on theballot and the secretary of state shall not place that candidate's name on theballot.