§ 17-12.1-7 Checking and certification ofnomination papers. (a) Each nomination paper of a candidate for delegate shall be submitted on orbefore four o'clock (4:00) p.m. in the afternoon of the forty-sixth (46th) daybefore the presidential preference primary to the local board of the city ortown where the signers appear to be voters, and the nomination papers shall bechecked, processed, and certified to the secretary of state by the local boardsbefore four o'clock (4:00) p.m. in the afternoon of the fortieth (40th) daybefore the presidential preference primary. In addition, each candidate fordelegate to a national convention may, on or before four o'clock (4:00) p.m. inthe afternoon of the thirty-third (33rd) day before the presidential primary,submit to the secretary of state documentation from a candidate, as set forthin § 17-12.1-4, that he or she has the approval of the candidate forpresidential nominee or approval from the steering/screening committee to namethe candidates' delegates to be identified with him or her.
(b) When nomination papers have been duly certified by theappropriate local boards of canvassers, they shall be conclusively presumed tobe valid, unless written objections to them are made as to the eligibility ofthe candidate or the sufficiency of the nomination papers or the signatures onthem. All objections shall be filed with the state board of elections by fouro'clock (4:00) p.m. on the next business day after the last day fixed for localboards to file nomination papers with the secretary of state. Nothing in thissection shall be construed to prevent the secretary of state from disqualifyinga candidate based on the determination of the secretary of state that thenomination papers or the signatures on them are invalid or insufficient.
(c) The decision of the state board shall be rendered notlater than four o'clock (4:00) p.m. on the thirty-third (33rd) day before thepresidential preference primary and shall immediately be certified by the stateboard to the secretary of state.