§ 17-12.1-8 Presidential preferenceprimary. (a) On the same date and at the same time as the election of delegates tonational conventions, as provided in § 17-12.1-1, there shall be held apresidential preference primary for each political party at which each partyvoter shall have the opportunity to vote his or her preference for his or herchoice for one person to be the candidate of his or her party for president ofthe United States.
(b) The secretary of state shall place on the ballot the nameof all persons qualified as candidates for presidential nominee as provided in§ 17-12.1-4, and who have not filed with the secretary of state theaffidavit as provided in § 17-12.1-4, and shall list under the name ofeach candidate for presidential nominee, arranged by lot, the names of allcandidates for delegates to a national convention who submitted the approval ofthe candidate for presidential nominee as set forth in § 17-12.1-7. Allother candidates for delegates to a national convention shall be listed on theballot, arranged by lot, as uncommitted.