§ 17-12-11 Endorsement by localcommittees. (a) Each town, ward, and city committee shall file with the appropriate localboard the list of candidates in the town, ward, or city which have theendorsement of the committees.
(2) Endorsements by town, ward, and city committees shall besigned by three (3) officers of the committee.
(b) Each district committee shall file with the board ofcanvassers of the city or town of residence of the senatorial or representativecandidate endorsed, except that if the candidate is a resident of Providencethe endorsement shall be filed with the secretary of state, the list ofcandidates in the district which have the endorsement of the committee.
(2) Endorsements by district committees shall be signed by amajority of those members presently on the committee.
(c) Endorsements shall be filed with the appropriate localboard or the secretary of state, as the case may be, not later than fouro'clock (4:00) p.m. of the day after the last day for filing declarations ofcandidacy.