§ 17-12-14 Election of delegates tonational conventions. The local boards of the several cities and towns of the state are authorizedand directed to furnish for the use of any political party in this state, uponwritten request of the chairperson of the state central committee, acting undera resolution of the committee, voting places in which primary meetings may beheld to elect delegates to the national convention of the political party. Theboards shall have the voting places open on the date and during the hoursrequested by the chairperson of the committee, and shall furnish to theofficers appointed to act at the primary meetings any paraphernalia, includingcheck lists, that are generally required and used in elective meetings;provided, that the political party first requesting the use of the votingplaces on and for a certain date shall be entitled to the use of them on thatdate; and if the date is one requested by some other political party, the otherpolitical party, through the chairperson of the committee, may request anotherdate. In cities a voting place and paraphernalia for voting shall be furnishedand provided for each ward into which the cities may be divided; and in each ofthe towns of Burrillville, Cumberland, and Lincoln, at least two (2) votingplaces and the paraphernalia for voting, and in every other town at least onevoting place and the paraphernalia for voting, shall be furnished and provided.The local boards shall not be required to provide for the compensation forservices of the officers appointed to act at the primary meetings, nor shallanything contained in this section be held to affect the method of holdingelections already provided for by law.