§ 17-12-16 Qualifying as a political partyby petition Names of officers Endorsements and other officialcommunications. Any political organization wishing to qualify as a political party by thesubmission of petitions under § 17-1-2(9) shall, at the time of receivingthe petition forms from the board of elections, file with the board, on a formto be provided by the board, the name of the political organization and thenames and addresses of its chairperson and secretary. If the organization laterqualifies as a political party by the submission of the requisite number ofvalid signatures, and until the appropriate party committees have beenestablished, all endorsements and other official written communications fromthe party to the board of elections, secretary of state, local boards ofcanvassers and other state and municipal agencies shall be signed on behalf ofthe party by the chairperson and secretary, whose names and addresses are onfile with the board of elections as required by this section.