§ 17-12-2 Composition and powers of statecommittees. The state committee of a political party shall be composed as determined by theparty. It shall have:
(1) General oversight of all conventions of its party;
(2) Power to make rules not inconsistent with law for theguidance and control of all the political committees of its party;
(3) Power to make a final nomination for any state office forwhich no primary nomination has been made and any local office for which nonomination has been made by any authorized city, town, ward, or districtcommittee or any duly authorized subcommittee; provided, that the statecommittee shall not be permitted, more than twenty-four (24) hours after thedeadline for the filing of declarations of candidacy, to make a nomination forany office upon the failure of a candidate of that party to file for thatpublic office. Nominations for such office shall be filed in the same locationas the declaration of candidacy for such office pursuant to the requirements of§ 17-14-1 of the general laws. Individuals nominated under this sectionmust have been eligible for the nomination on the dates as required by andpursuant to the requirements of §§ 17-14-1.1, 17-14-2 and 17-14-2.1of the general laws and must then meet the respective requirements for filingsufficient nomination papers set forth in chapter 14; and
(4) Power to fill vacancies in its own membership and asprovided in chapter 15 of this title.