§ 17-12-5 Acting in other contingencies. Any other contingency that arises pursuant to the provisions of the statuteswith respect to the election of candidates for state or town office at anygeneral, primary, or special election shall be met by the vote of the statecommittee, or the executive committee, or any duly selected subcommittee of theexecutive committee, of a political party, or by the state chairperson of thepolitical party if so authorized. If any contingency arises under theprovisions of the statutes with respect to the election of candidates for cityoffice at any general, primary, or special election, it shall be met by vote ofthe city committee of a political party or the executive committee of the citycommittee or any duly elected subcommittee of the executive committee, or bythe city chairperson of the political party if so authorized. For the purposesof this section, the term "contingency" means and includes the nonexistence ofany required party committee, the failure of any existing party committee toact, an adjudication that a primary election is void, and the death,incapacity, or moving from the jurisdiction of a party's nominee prior to ageneral or special election. This section shall apply notwithstanding anyprovision of chapter 17 of this title to the contrary.