§ 17-12-9 Organization of city, town, anddistrict committees Officers Lists of officers and members. (a) All city, town, and district committees shall organize biennially in themonth of January in every odd year; provided, that the city committee of thecity of Providence shall organize quadrennially.
(b) Each city committee organized under this section mayelect not exceeding three (3) officers outside its membership from among thevoters of the same political party in the city, and the officers shall, byvirtue of their election, become members of the city committee and shall holdoffice until the next organization meeting of the committee.
(c) Each city committee, town committee, and districtcommittee, within ten (10) days after its organization, shall file with thesecretary of state and with the local board a list of its officers and members.
(d) The chairperson of the city committee of each politicalparty in the city of Providence shall appoint the members of a ward committeefor each of the several wards of the city of Providence. These appointed wardcommittee members shall hold office until their successors shall have been dulyelected, qualified, and organized.