§ 17-13-1 Preparation and posting ofpreliminary lists. (a) In conformity with the requirements of chapter 10 of this title relating topreliminary lists generally, preceding the next primary election of a politicalparty prior to a general election, each local board shall, for the party,prepare and post in the local board of canvassers a separate list of voterswith their addresses in the districts who are eligible to participate in theprimary of the respective party in accordance with the provisions of chapter 15of this title. Each list shall be plainly marked with the name of the party forwhich it is prepared.
(b) In the preparation of any preliminary list, the names ofall persons who are ineligible by reason of the provisions of § 17-15-24shall be stricken from the list, and those persons are debarred fromparticipating in the primary.