§ 17-21.1-2 Absentee registration. (a) Any person otherwise qualified pursuant to this title who is a citizen ofthe United States and is absent from this state and residing outside the UnitedStates shall have the right to register absentee and vote by an absentee ballotin any federal election in this state in any election district of this state inwhich the person was last domiciled immediately prior to that person'sdeparture from the United States, notwithstanding that the person does not havea place of abode or other address in this state, and the person's intent toreturn to this state may be uncertain, if:
(1) The person has registered pursuant to the provisions of§ 17-20-6.1;
(2) The person does not maintain a domicile, is notregistered to vote, and does not vote in any other state or election districtof a state or territory, or in any territory or possession of the UnitedStates; and
(3) The person has a valid passport or card of identity andregistration issued under the authority of the secretary of state of the UnitedStates.
(b) If the person is a United States citizen and has neverlived in the United States, but has a parent who is a qualified electorpursuant to this chapter, then that person shall be eligible to register andvote in federal elections where his or her parent is a qualified elector.